Natural Facial Scrub To Take Care

Scrub is coarse granules contained in beauty products. In general, there is the moisturizing scrub, soap, facial cleanser, body lotion, body butter and so on. Scrub own beneficial to smooth the surface of the skin, exfoliate dead skin and unclog pores. Scrub not only be used as a facial treatment, but scrubs can also be used to treat the body. So you can try to use natural scrub to treat the face and body.

Read Natural makeupFor those who want to use natural scrub for beauty treatments at home, you can try to make yourself scrub using natural ingredients that are safe for the skin and avoid side effects. Besides easy to make, you will also be saving money and time. Want to know what materials that can be used to make a natural scrub? Please see the discussion on the article below:

1. Olive OilFor those who have dry skin, you can try using olive oil or olive oil is known to clean the dirt on the skin. In addition olive oil can also provide moisture to the skin texture Jering, so you can try it by mixing 2 teaspoons of olive oil with 2 teaspoons of sugar into a bowl. Then rub and massage the face gently and let stand for 10 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water until clean. Do this on a regular basis to make the skin becomes dry and soft.

Read : Natural Makeup Tips

2. SugarGranulated sugar beneficial to remove dead skin cells and make the skin look white and luminous. You can use it by mixing 1 tablespoon granulated sugar with olive oil, then add the aloe vera gel or honey. After all the ingredients are well blended, pour it into the palm of a hand scrub and apply on the surface of a circular face with a gentle massage. Let stand for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

3. HoneyHoney has a content of vitamin C, magnesiaum and amino acids that can be useful as an antiseptic that can kill bacteria and prevent infection under the skin. You can use honey sebagau natural scrub by providing 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 teaspoons of sugar, then mix and apply on the face with circular movements. Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

4. StrawberyA mixture of strawberries and honey can be beneficial to prevent lerisakan on the skin caused by sunlight and free radicals. Besides strawberries daapt also used to smooth rough skin conditions. You can try it by destroying 5 strawberries with a spoon or blender (but not too finely), then mix 2 tablespoons of honey and stir until blended. After that, apply evenly to the entire surface of the face and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse with clean water. 

5. LemonLemon has a content of vitamin E is beneficial to keep the skin moist and minerals needed to balance the skin. Lemon is suitable for you who have oily skin types. You can try it by preparing 1 piece of lemon that has been mixed with salt, then apply on the face with a massaging motion. Let stand for 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly. 
This article regarding natural scrub to treat the face. Please try to make a natural scrub to face at home and feel the benefits. That is all and thank you.

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